With the impending implementation of MLC 2006, manning agencies and training centers are scrambling to be accredited with ISO9001:2008 for their Principals and Management companies to be also accredited with the MLC.

For training centers, it’s a must requirement for them to be ISO9001:2008 accredited for them be permitted and accredited as training provider by the MTC and now the DOTC thru MARINA.

Fair Shipping Corp. has been accredited with the ISO 9001 since November 1996, the first for manning agency and was continuously certificated with the SO9001:2000.  Then again, now, it has breezily passed and accredited with the ISO9001:2008 with its re-certification certificate issued on July 9, 2012, which shows the continuous systematic operation of its Management system.

FSC Training Center, meanwhile, also was re-certificated with the ISO9001:2008 issued on 02 June 2012, the first one of the 3 companies.  A previous ISO9001:2000 accredited, they can now brag to their competitors their readiness and qualification as training providers.

Cordial Shipping, Inc., a five (5) year POEA accredited manning agency, gets its first ISO accreditation with the ISO9001:2008. Their certificate was issued on July 3, 2012

With the companies ISO certification they are now considered as MLC 2006 ready

Congratulations to all officers and staffs of FSC, CSI and FSCTC for a job well done!