2016 ECL Safety Seminar in Manila




Eastern Car Liner, Ltd. held ECL Safety Seminar in Manila at FSC Training Center, Inc. last Oct 26-27 2016, headed by Mr. Hikori Kato, Manager of ECL, from Japan and C/E Raymundo G. Robles, Crewing Manager of Cordial Shipping, Inc., from Philippines.

The following officials from ECL were also there as Instructors to discuss each topic of the seminar:


Mr. Shingo Kamiya                                          - General Manager of ECL

Mr. N. Takatera                                                                - Director of ECLSM

Mr. Takahiro Hamunaga                                - ECLSM

Capt. Clitar, Renato                                         - ECLSM

Mr. Hiroki Kato                                                  - General Manager, Seafarer Dept. ECLSM

C/E Maglana, Rene                                          - ECLSM

P. Capt. Ollanas, Bonifacio                            - ECL Manila Port Captain

In this seminar, Deck Officers and Engine Officers were taught continued education about safety while onboard the vessel.

On the first day of session, attended by (33) crew members of Cordial Shipping, Inc. and (34) crew members and superintendents of ECL fleets (from different companies like Araw Shipping, BEAMKO, Cleene Maritime, JP Alliance, Leonis Navigation, Marusan, Philippine Marine Consultans and Supership Marine Services), several topics were discussed such as follows:

·         Navigation Safety issues

·         Prevention of dark smoke

·         Bunkering in Singapore

·         Cargo Operation

·         FO (poor Quality, LSMGO)

·         LO (Purifier)

·         Pump & Motor (Alignment)

·         Valve (Face-up)

·         Work shop (Engine Room)

On the second day of session, attended by (31) crew members of COdial were tackled and discussed the following topics:

·         Centralized Communication

·         Risk Assessment

·         When Stability is taken Granted and

·         Safety Culture

Generally, this seminar serves as addition knowledge and helps our Filipino crew members to be more professionally effective while onboard the vessel.